Having your vehicle towed can be a traumatizing experience. Most condominium and homeowner associations utilize minimum parking. There’s always a time when someone in the community abuses parking privileges by parking in a prohibited zone or abandoning...
Ten (10) Reasons that make Property Managers go Hymn: 10. After-hour complaints regarding smoke detector beeping without any smoke. Property manager asks, “When was the last time you changed the batteries?” 9. Owner complains of neighbor’s cat...
We want to foreclose now, how long does it take? If the lien was filed in a timely manner and there are no defenses raised by the unit owner, a textbook foreclosure could take as little as seven (7) months. Because of recent changes in the Florida Statute,...
Occasionally were asked if a unit owner is delinquent on assessments and their property is in a lien process, if the Board can revoke their voting rights, take away clubhouse and pool privileges and/or evict their renters. Since the condominium common-area...
A new trend is out mollifying the high cost of association insurance. After Hurricane Wilma, insurance rates soar to an all time high for community associations. Most existing local insurance companies packed up their bags and left “Dodge City”....
Part II; Collection Procedures: Once collection is being turned over to legal council (the association’s attorney), all inquires are made to legal council only. To avoid a conflict of interest, the association or the manager should never discuss the...
Part I; Collection Procedures: Collection of quarterly assessments is the lifeline utility of community associations. Without the collection of association dues, the budgetary commitment of the association could not be met. The services, maintenance...